The Bamboo is amazing. You water it and wait. You wait an entire year and nothing appears. No bud, no twig, nothing.

So you keep watering and protecting the area and taking care of the future plant. You wait another year. Still, nothing happens.

Another year passes, and still no sign of growth. It has been three years. Should you give up? Someone told you that it might take a while to really see the fruits of your efforts, so you keep on keeping on.

Another year passes. No plant.

You begin year number five with the same passion as day number one. You keep watering and keep waiting.

Finally, after five years, the Bamboo starts growing-and in six weeks, it grows to over 80 feet tall! Yes, 80 feet in six weeks! Well, not really. It is 80 feet in five years.

The point is simple. If you had given up for even the shortest period of time, there would be no Bamboo. It took almost impossible persistence. The plant is there for one reason and one reason only-because you never gave up on it.

This story is supposed to illustrate the power of persistence and never giving up.

But think about it…

You watered it for the first year and didn’t see any results. The second, third, fourth, and even fifth year, you did the SAME THING and got the SAME RESULT.

That means you spent more than 1,825 days doing the SAME THING, getting the SAME RESULT, and expecting something DIFFERENT.

And that’s what most people are doing in their lives.
They keep doing the SAME THING, getting the SAME RESULT, and expecting something DIFFERENT.

How’s THAT workin’ for ya?

Look, I get it: The Bamboo suddenly shoots up from the ground after your long, arduous years of sacrifice and patience, thereby showing the benefit of faith and persistence.


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