Pilea Peperomioides, also known as chinese money plant, friendship plant, pancake plant or just pilea has simply become one of the world’s most desired houseplants of all.

It’s mischievous, bright green pancake shaped leaves are phenomenally elegant and makes the perfect ‘statement piece’ for any home dining, side table or simply a welcome burst of color against white walls.

The plant grows like crazy and then grows little offspring so you can share it with your friends and loved ones! Each time I look at mine, I can’t help but smile. Their eccentric form is like no other plant.

Besides being an aesthetically pleasing plant, it’s also very easy to care for and is quite robust! Here are some tips for caring for the Pilea:

I keep most of my Pileas in terracotta pots because I like the look of them. What’s most important is that you use a pot with a drainage hole, to help prevent root rot. For soil, use a good quality, well draining potting mix. Your local greenhouse should have this.

You have to water it moderately. I asked a local greenhouse about the Pilea and watering and they said one of the only ways to kill it is by overwatering. Water about once a week, or when the soil is nearly dry. Keep your plant in a well draining pot to avoid getting the roots sit in water.

Good bright 'Indoor' lighting is so important and makes a huge difference in pilea health and well being. Pilea loves to be in front of a window where it can get a lot of bright, cheerful, indirect light but almost no direct sunlight: too much sun might burn the leaves.

Propagating Pilea plants are fun and relatively a simple process. A happy pilea plant will shoot up baby plantlets. These pups can then be separated from the mother plant to produce more pilea plants. When the pups start growing, you can either cut them off of the mother plant or let them grow.

Once you are ready with the pups, just spread the pilea joy among all your besties by gifting them this little sweet plant wrapped with the nice color bow J

Because I strongly feel ‘Kyunki har ek friend zaruri hota hai;)


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